STOP PRESS: ... REMINDER.... Catch it! Bin it! Kill it! ...

Groovy, baby!!  Everything went hip and happening, mod and pyschadelic as we continued to celebrate our Diamond Jubilee with a look at the sounds and fashions of the 1960s.
Bright clothes, skinny trousers, flowers and scarves came centre stage as we mellowed out to The Beatles, Dusty Springfield, Jimmy Hendrix and The Doors.  It was a total contrast to the strict and structured day of the 1930s, where teachers ruled with a rod of iron, well cane.
Hopefully the children will not only have enjoyed the dressing up, but also got a flavour of the changes that not only the school but also society will have seen over the last 75 years and come to appreciate some of the aspects of their lives today.
Our many thanks to parents for once again supporting this event and helping to find appropriate costumes for the children.


This is the time of year where we review a lot of our systems and processes.  Never the least of these are our Safeguarding procedures.  As a school and a community our obvious priority is to ensure that our children are not only safe, but also that they feel safe.
I firmly believe that the key to this is to be vigilant, to treat all information as if true and to be prepared so that the children know how to keep themselves safe at all times.  In order to achieve this, our policy is to pass any information on to the relevant persons as soon as is possible.  In this way, we can all be additionally vigilant and have the appropriate conversations with our children about staying safe.  Therefore as a school we will always pass on any concerns that we might have to parents in order for you to be aware.  We would also ask that should you see or hear anything, no matter how insignificant, that you pass this information to us.
Have a great weekend!


HPA Influenza Fact Sheet Link





Online Protection Centre

If you are worried about the safety of a child, follow this link.
Sharmans Cross Junior School is commited to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children

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Anti-Bullying Alliance

Our Feeder Schools
Blossomfield Infant School
Streetsbrook Infant School

Before and After School Childcare

Shirley Little LeagueClick Here



Solihull Council

St Alphege's Community Policing

Swine Flu Advice

Eating Well and Being Active

Blue Peter 2009 Appeal

Sportwise WebsiteClick Here

January 2011

Calendar for this Academic Year
Term Dates 2010/2011
Term Dates 2011/2012

Anniversary Celebrations

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18th - Y5 at Space Centre

19th - Y6 Athletics Competition