Year 5

Design and technology
How did people get to other countries 1000 years ago? They build rafts! All year 5 were given was a piece of string! How did they use their team work skills to create a raft that would float and carry our little character?


Our water topic- empathy.
Linked to our topic on water and how some children around the world have no clean, fresh water, we looked at how hard it would be to carry water on your heads for two whole hours! We had a relay race! It was really hard! It has made us appreciate how lucky we are.

Based on our Literacy topic-The Whispering Knights, we made our own witches potion and then worked in teams to think about how the Rollright Stones got to their place. They are like Stone Henge – how would people have moved them 250 miles in those times? They had no machinery!



Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6