Sharmans Cross Junior School School Prospectus - page 13

Sharmans Cross Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expects all adults to share this commitment
these values can be rarely measured. Sometimes they are easy to identify and plan
for but often opportunities happen spontaneously in the context of stimulating
discussions or lessons. Staff recognise and ‘seize the moment’ and take time to
reflect with the children on the learning that is taking place.
The four areas can be defined thus:
SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT: relates to an awareness of mystery through which
reflection pupils acquire insights into their own personal being and their place in the
MORAL DEVELOPMENT: refers to a pupil’s understanding, attitude and behaviour to
what is right and what is wrong.
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: refers to a pupil’s progressive acquisition of the
competencies and qualities needed to play a full part in society.
CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT: refers to a pupils developing understanding of beliefs,
values and customs in social, ethnic and national groups different to their own.
Our daily Collective Worship is an ideal opportunity to foster and promote the
development of these four areas. Our assemblies take place each day. Our
Assemblies are organised thus:
Spiritual/Moral/Social/Cultural element contained within a planned
series of Assemblies taken by the Head Teacher / Deputy Head Teacher.
Singing Collective Worship – an opportunity to share music making
together with songs containing a spiritual or moral message.
Spiritual/Moral/Social/Cultural element contained within a planned
series of Assemblies taken by class teachers.
Year Group Assemblies.
Celebration Assembly. This is an opportunity for the whole school to
gather and celebrate achievements of the past week. Certificates are awarded from
all the staff and a letter of recognition sent home to parents citing their child’s
achievements. This is lead by the Head Teacher or the Deputy Head Teacher.
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