Sharmans Cross Junior School School Prospectus - page 19

Sharmans Cross Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expects all adults to share this commitment
From 9.10 am onwards
, all
children must be signed into school, via reception, by a
parent/carer where a member of the office staff will give the pupil a late after close
of register mark, ‘U’ and the time of arrival commented upon in the electronic
register, unless they have attended a medical appointment, when they will be marked
as ‘M’ and will need to be signed into school by an accompanying adult.
Given the vital importance of attending school regulary and the impact that non-
attendance has on progress and attainment, we do not authorise any holidays during
term time unless there are “exceptional circumstances”. Any holidays taken without
authorisation from the Head Teacher will be marked as unauthorised family holiday,
passed onto the local Education welfare Officer and may leave parents open to
prosecution by the Local Authority.
We would ask that you complete a ‘request form’ [see Appendix I] giving no less than
4 weeks notice, explaining the exceptional circumstances that require a leave of
Absence will not be authorised without a discussion with the Headteacher for anyone
whose attendance is below 95%.
“The school provides effective, carefully tailored support for disabled pupils and those with SEN” Ofsted 2012
It is our belief that all children should have work planned to meet their needs in the
classroom. However, sometimes a child’s needs are such that even with a detailed
programme of work, he/she may have difficulty in attaining the skills and knowledge
of the majority of his/her peers. When this happens the class teacher discusses
their concerns with Mrs Williams, the school’s Special Needs Co-ordinator and, if
appropriate, the child will receive additional support. Parents will always be kept
informed of any concerns by regular meetings with the class teacher and, if
applicable, the Special Needs Co-ordinator, Inclusion Manager, Headteacher and any
other agencies who may have become involved.
Children who have well developed skills and ability in certain areas may also have
particular needs and these are met through differentiated programmes of work by
the class teacher.
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