Sharmans Cross Junior School School Prospectus - page 22

Sharmans Cross Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expects all adults to share this commitment
Class teachers should display a house point chart in their classroom.
Each child has a house point sheet they complete when a house point is awarded
by a member of staff. 50 points is a bronze award badge, 100 points is a silver
badge and 150 points is a gold award badge with a book mark.
All members of staff may celebrate pupil success by awarding them House Points.
Aggregate house points for each house will be announced in Celebration Assembly
on a weekly, termly and annual basis.
At the end of the year the winning house is celebrated in a special awards
Year 6 school achievements are celebrated in July at an end of year awards
assembly where staff nominate children for sporting or academic success based on
the 4 years spent at the school.
Class Merits
Class points are awarded for whole class good behaviour. 20 points = extra playtime
and 30 points = a surprise decided by the class and teacher.
Strategies for managing unacceptable behaviour
We divide unacceptable behaviour into three broad bands.
Level 1 - Green
Misbehaviour that can be effectively managed within a classroom and playground
environment by the class teacher. Actions would be at the level of a warning to the
Level 2 - Amber
Pupils who exhibit persistent Level 1 misbehaviour will be moved to level 2.
More serious misbehaviour that is not so easily managed within a
classroom/playground environment. Class teacher may involve parents and will alert
SENCO that there could be issues. Class teacher will also informally involve senior
management. Teacher and support staff will keep records of incidents at this level.
If meetings are arranged with parents it will be logged on SIMS. Incidents in
classrooms will be shared with lunchtime support staff as this may have an impact on
how behaviour is managed at lunchtime.
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