Sharmans Cross Junior School School Prospectus - page 28

Sharmans Cross Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expects all adults to share this commitment
• Water is a healthy drink and does not damage teeth, unlike still and fizzy soft-
drinks high in sugar, additives, artificial sweeteners and caffeine.
We also acknowledge the links between water and improved learning capacity:
• When we are thirsty our mental performance declines by 10%.
• Mental performance improves with frequent intakes of small amounts of water.
• Pupils‛ concentration improves when they are not distracted by feelings of thirst,
tiredness and irritability.
Children will achieve more when their health and learning needs are met. It is
important therefore to ensure that they have easy access to water throughout the
day (with access to water bottles and coolers) and to provide a school environment
that supports health and wellbeing. Each child is issued with a free water bottle at
the start of their time with us, with additional or replacement bottles available for
purchase from the school office. We would like to promote the drinking of only
water for the following reasons:
· It is very important to keep any squash, fruit juice or fizzy drinks to mealtimes only
(and ideally limit fizzy drinks to occasional drinks).
· Sweet and acidic drinks (including those that are sugar-free) are harmful to teeth.
The more frequently they are drunk, the greater the harm to teeth.
· The consumption of high-sugar soft drinks can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar
levels, followed by a dip, resulting in low levels of physical and mental energy.
· Some children could be sensitive to the additives, caffeine and sweeteners in soft
However we do understand that some children find drinking water unappealing and in
an effort to ensure we encourage a healthy lifestyle and provide a healthy learning
environment we will allow children to bring squash in their water bottles. We would
strongly recommend that the squash provided is ‘no added sugar‛ and high in juice
content to help prevent the health problems described above.
In conjunction with Solihull MBC and ParentPay, we are pleased to say that we are
now a Cashless school and accept payments online for school
meals, trips and other
. This can be done using a secure website
or in cash with a
PayPoint card or barcode letter (ordered via the school office) at your local stores
where you can see the PayPoint logo. The closest such store is One Stop, Prospect
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