Sharmans Cross Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expects all adults to share this commitment
Shin pads are recommended when the children play football or hockey. Printed
school hoodies are also available.
Summer – for all activities
As Indoor – except outdoor pumps or training shoes.
We would ask that parents ensure all school items are clearly named as we cannot
guarantee lost items will be returned to the correct child.
Outdoor kit should be taken home to be washed after every games lesson.
Outdoor Classroom Kit (Outdoor Learning lessons)
Children need to have the following items in school to enable them to access the
school grounds appropriately:
Old long sleeved tops and old long trousers (for the outdoor classroom)
Lightweight waterproof coat
Waterproof footwear, such as wellingtons or walking boots
Sun hat
Suncream (from April – October)
We would advise that football boots are not bought for children entering Year 3,
unless they play football regularly out of school or intend joining one of our after
school football clubs. Obviously the final decision rests with parents but we suggest
that outdoor training shoes are much more cost effective.
Children are allowed to wear a watch, earrings and any other jewellery that has a
recognised religious significance to school. Earrings should take the form of either
studs or sleepers. These cannot be worn for
physical activity, such as PE or
swimming in the interests of the child’s health and safety. Please note that staff are
not allowed to remove these and that we accept no responsibility for the safekeeping
of any item. Neither do we provide or accept the wearing of tape or plasters over
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