Sharmans Cross Junior School School Prospectus - page 29

Sharmans Cross Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and
expects all adults to share this commitment
ParentPay offers you the freedom to make these payments whenever and wherever
you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – safe in the knowledge that the technology
used is of the highest internet security.
Each child will be issued with an Activation Letter during their first week explaining
the procedure.
Illness in School
Although we do the best we can, there is no comfortable, quiet place for children to
rest in school. In cases of an accident or where we suspect illness, parents will be
contacted by telephone. The cuts and grazes which sometimes occur at playtime will
be dealt with by one of our qualified first-aiders. Should a child sustain a bumped
head he/she will be checked by one of our qualified first-aiders who will then contact
a parent to inform them of the child’s injury.
Where sickness or diarrhoea is apparent, children will be asked to kept off school
until clear for 48 hours in line with NHS advice.
Medicines in School
Although giving medication is a parental responsibility, we are willing to administer
prescribed medication (including inhalers) to avoid a child losing teaching time at
school. However, it is a requirement that the parent/guardian
provide a signed
and dated consent form. Any changes in the medication must also be given in writing.
We have been advised not to accept verbal instructions either from a parent or
especially, from a child. If your child needs to administer medicine to him/herself at
school, a consent form completed by parents is still required [see Appendix II].
Medication is kept safely in the school admin office or the first aid room and is
carefully recorded after being administered by an authorised first aider. The school
first aiders are Mrs Gill (Teaching Assistant), Mrs Pearson (Office Manager), Mr
Reich (Site Manager), Mrs Stewart (Teaching Assistant), Mrs Trumper
(Administrative Assistant), Mrs Whitcombe (Children & Family Support Worker) and
Mrs Lyn Hoban (S_C Kids Club Manager).
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