Charging for School Activities

“Enrichment in the form of theme days, visits and visitors is good”
Ofsted 2009

Within the terms of the Education Reform Act, it is the policy of this School’s Governing Body:-

  • to levy the appropriate charges to parents for all board and lodging requirements on residential visits
  • to levy charges for activities wholly or mainly outside school hours where appropriate;
  • to levy charges for materials and ingredients where parents have indicated in advance that they wish to keep the finished article;
  • to ensure that on occasions where charges may be levied, no pupil is disadvantaged solely by their inability to pay;
  • to require parents to pay for damage to school property (including the full cost of replacing lost or damaged library books) for which their children are responsible and where reimbursement is appropriate;
  • to empower the Headteacher and Chair of Governors to act on any issue which may require an immediate decision over the implementation of the policy in any particular circumstances;
  • to ask for voluntary contributions towards the cost of coaches, entrance fees and insurance for educational visits.

The school does not receive any income for educational visits.  Therefore, should the amount of money collected from voluntary contributions be significantly less than the amount required to cover the cost of the educational visit, then the visit may be cancelled.
We collect contributions for visits either on a weekly, half-termly, termly or annual basis according to the choice of each family.  This system enables us to plan for a range of visits and visitors to school and allows families to spread the cost. The Headteacher will decide whether an educational visit can take place or not.


Under the terms of the 1988 Education Reform Act, there is a statutory procedure to deal with complaints by parents who feel that in relation to a school’s curriculum, the L.E.A. or governing body is failing to discharge its duties.  The arrangements are not intended to deal with complaints about the actions of Headteachers or individual teachers, but specifically the curriculum, including religious education and worship, exemptions from National Curriculum and the provision of information and charging policies.  It is hoped that any matter of concern could be dealt with informally at the school through the Headteacher or Governors before proceeding to formal arrangements.

All information contained in this folder was correct at the time of printing.
May 2011.



Appendix 1
Request Form for holidays taken in school time

Consent to administer Medicines Form