School Uniform


The recommended kit list is the same clothing for boys and girls.  We would strongly recommend that the children have two pairs of shorts – one pair to use indoor and one pair to use outdoors.

It would also be very helpful if the two sets of kit (indoor and outdoor) are maintained separately.

Black pumps [not trainers], red shorts, white short sleeved t-shirt with house coloured trim, white socks (plain not patterned).

We ask children to have two pairs of pumps/trainers, so that dirt from the field or playground is not brought into the sports hall - black pumps for indoor use; white pumps or trainers for outdoor use.

OUTDOOR  - for all activities
Red shorts, long red socks, red (long sleeved) shirt, training shoes
(waterproof), black/blue tracksuit trousers.  School Hoodies are available from Early Years as an optional extra.

Shin pads are recommended when the children play football or hockey.

SUMMER – for all activities
As Winter Indoor - except outdoor pumps or training shoes

Outdoor kit should be taken home to be washed after every games lesson.

Children need to have the following items in school to enable them to access the school grounds appropriately:

  1. Old long sleeved tops and old long trousers (for the outdoor classroom)
  2. Lightweight waterproof coat
  3. Waterproof footwear, such as wellingtons or walking boots
  4. Sun hat
  5. Suncream (from April – October)

We would advise that football boots are not bought for children entering Year 3, unless they play football regularly out of school or intend joining the after school ‘Soccer Start’ club.  The opportunities for playing football are limited because much of the P.E. time is taken up with swimming.  Obviously the final decision rests with parents but we suggest that outdoor training shoes are much more cost effective.




Appendix 1
Request Form for holidays taken in school time

Consent to administer Medicines Form