Special Educational Needs

“Effective programmes of learning and support from teaching assistants enable pupils with learning difficulties and / or disabilities to achieve as well as other pupils”
Ofsted 2009

It is our belief that all children should have work planned to meet their needs in the classroom.  However, sometimes a child’s needs are such that even with a detailed programme of work, he/she may have difficulty in attaining the skills and knowledge of the majority of his/her peers.  When this happens the class teacher discusses their concerns with Mrs Williams, the school’s Special Needs Co-ordinator and, if appropriate, the child will receive additional support.  Parents will always be kept informed of any concerns by regular meetings with the class teacher and, if applicable, the Special Needs Co-ordinator, Inclusion Manager, Headteacher and any other agencies who may have become involved.

Children who have well developed skills and ability in certain areas may also have particular needs and these are met through differentiated programmes of work by the class teacher.


Number of pupils Statemented           -        4
Number of pupils School Action          -        19
Number of pupils School Action Plus    -        9

Sex Relationship Education

“Pupils’ personal development is good with many outstanding features” Ofsted 2009

SRE at Sharmans Cross centres on relationships but also recognises the importance of clear, factual, non-judgemental information delivered in an age-appropriate, planned programme of PSHE and science. We strongly believe that effective SRE can make a significant contribution to the development of the personal skills (such as self-esteem) needed by pupils if they are to establish and maintain relationships.  It also enables young people to make responsible and informed decisions about their health and well-being, and to explore attitudes to a wide range of issues. It will help them learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.
Our aim is to ‘empower children with the knowledge to make their own informed decisions.’ (DfES 2000)

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the SRE programme in discussion with the school. However this is not the case when the work that relates to reproduction or related issues forms part of the Science national curriculum.

Although friendship and relationships form a constant part of our community through our school values, SRE is specifically found in the curriculum during the Summer Term when Year 3 consider differences between male & female; Year 4 think about growing & changing, including an introduction to changes that happen at puberty; Year 5 study emotional & physical changes during puberty before Year 6 consider reproduction in the context of puberty, reproduction, conception and how a baby grows.

By sharing and involving parents in the formation of this policy, we have found that they feel able to share any concerns with their child’s class teacher, resolving these to everyone’s satisfaction and best interest.

Also a stock of sanitary towels is kept in the school office.  If a girl needs any help/advice or assistance regarding this they should see their class teacher or a member of the office team.







Appendix 1
Request Form for holidays taken in school time

Consent to administer Medicines Form