School Hours
 8.55 - 9.10
 9.10 - 10.10
Lesson 1
10.10 - 10.40
10.40 - 10.55
10.55 - 12.00
Lesson 2
12.00 - 1.00
 1.00 - 2.20
Lesson 3
 2.20 - 2.30
 2.30 - 3.30
Lesson 4
End of Day

We ask that you do not send your child to school before 8.30 am.  They do not need to arrive before this time, unless in Swallows or Early Birds.  A teacher will be on duty in each playground from this time.  All children should come into the lower school playground, near the main entrance, before Y5 and Y6 children make their way through the doors in the Y4 corridor into the upper school playground.  If it is wet or icy the children will go directly to their classrooms through the main entrance. 

Playground gates close at 9.10 am.  Children should be in class by 8.55am, when registers open.  If a child arrives during registration, ie after 8.55am, they will be marked as ‘L’, with the time of arrival noted in the comments box of the electronic register.  Registers close at 9.10 am.  If a child is not in class by this time they will be marked as ‘N’.

From 9.10 am onwards, all children must report to reception where a member of the office staff will give the pupil a late after close of register mark, ‘U’ and the time of arrival commented upon in the electronic register, unless they have attended a medical appointment, when they will be marked as ‘M’ and will need to be signed into school by an accompanying adult. 

Swallows Childcare operates at the school offering childcare before and after school hours.  There contact details are :
0121 746 5600 (Administration)
07786 110820 (Sharmans Cross Club Mobile)


Parents should contact the school by phone on the morning of the first day of absence, stating the reason and possible length of absence.  These messages will be entered directly onto the electronic register.  If no reason has been received by the teacher upon completion of the electronic register, parents will be contacted by the Admin Team via telephone.  Reasons for absence will then be entered onto the electronic register.  If there is no response then a letter is sent home with the child upon their return.  If no response is received by the following Friday, the absence will be marked as an ‘O’ for unauthorised absence.

Average attendance for 2010/2011     =         96.4 %





Appendix 1
Request Form for holidays taken ign school time

Consent to administer Medicines Form