
Pupils’ understanding of keeping safe is…outstanding”
Ofsted 2009 

Illness in School

Although we do the best we can, there is no comfortable, quiet place for children to rest in school.  In cases of an accident or where we suspect illness, parents will be contacted by telephone.  The cuts and grazes which sometimes occur at playtime will be dealt with by one of our qualified first-aiders.  Should a child sustain a bumped head he/she will be checked by one of our qualified first-aiders who will then contact a parent to inform them of the child’s injury. 

Where sickness is apparent, children will be asked to kept off school until clear for 48 hours in line with NHS advice.

Medicines in School

Although giving medication is a parental responsibility, we are willing to administer prescribed medication (including inhalers) to avoid a child losing teaching time at school.  However, it is a requirement that the parent/guardian must provide a signed and dated consent form.  Any changes in the medication must also be given in writing.  We have been advised not to accept verbal instructions either from a parent or especially, from a child.  If your child needs to administer medicine to him/herself at school, a consent form completed by parents is still required [see Appendix II].

Medication is kept safely in the school admin office or the first aid room and is carefully recorded after being administered by an authorised first aider.  The school first aiders are Mrs Belcher (School Secretary), Mrs Deakin (HLTA), Mrs Fear (Bursar), Mrs Pearson (Office Manager) and Mrs Stewart (Teaching Assistant).

Care Plans

Any child with a diagnosed medical condition which may need additional support or input from school staff will have an individual Care Plan held in school.  This will be produced by the School Nurse in consultation with the child’s parents and other medical professionals as necessary.  The Care Plan will outline the child’s specific condition, their medical/health needs within school and actions to be taken by school to support the child.  If you feel your child has a specific condition which would require a Care Plan please speak to either Mrs Pearson (Office Manager) or Gail Roberts (School Nurse 0121 746 4429).

Contact Numbers

In case of emergency an up-to-date telephone contact number must be provided for every child.  Hospitals are unwilling to administer treatment unless a parent is present.

Absence from School

 All absences must be explained in writing when the child returns to school.  New Regulations for schools require this procedure to be followed and without a reasonable explanation your child may be recorded with an unauthorised absence.  A request form should be completed to ask us for authorisation of a holiday to be taken within school time. 

Child Protection

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all of its staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment. 

Anyone with any concerns regarding the safety and well-being of any child should report these concerns to the Designated Members of Staff.  In school, these are the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher.

The staff and governors of this school are committed to establishing and maintaining an environment where children are both secure and feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to.  We will ensure that children and adults know that there are people in the school whom they can approach if they are worried.  We ensure through regular training and discussion that because of the day to day contact with children, school staff are well placed to observe the signs of possible abuse.

We actively discuss with Education and Children’s Services’ Duty, Assessment and Referral Team (DART : 0121 788 4300) any significant concerns about a child which may indicate physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or neglect in accordance with the Local Safeguarding Children Board child protection procedures and attend any child protection conferences, initial and review, and core group meetings and child in need conferences that may be called.

We take our duty to work with other agencies, such as Children’s Services ( ECS ), Police Child Abuse Investigation Unit, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, Education Welfare Service, Educational Psychology Service and any other agencies/services coming into school to support individual pupils/groups of pupils, in protecting children from harm and in responding to concerns about possible abuse very seriously.

We promote a positive, supportive and secure environment, giving pupils a sense of being valued. We ensure that parents have an understanding of the responsibility placed on staff for child protection by setting out its obligations through regular communications and discussions.

Child and Family Support Work

It is important for families and children to have access to advice and support. We aim to achieve this by working in partnership with the family and other professionals to meet individual needs. The level of support is dictated by the needs of the Child and family.

The CFSW provides a 'listening ear' to families and carers at times of difficulty or distress, and most particularly at the time of initial disclosure of diagnosis of disability in their child; helps to  explore with families any particular difficulties which they are encountering in the care of their child; provides information to families about services or benefits available to their child, and help to apply; acts as a link or key worker between the child and family, and the many different professionals and agencies who may be involved in the care of the child and acts as necessary as an advocate for the family .

Anyone needing support is able to contact the CFSW via school.  Alternatively, the CFSW may also contact you to offer support if the school is aware of issues that might be affecting the child.

All of this is provided in the strictest of confidence.



Appendix 1
Request Form for holidays taken in school time

Consent to administer Medicines Form